Data Directory

The data directory of MyTourbook is located in the users home directory. MyTourbook runs on different platform and each platform has a different location to store data for a user.

The file config.ini in the application subdirectory configuration contains the location entry

@user.home/mytourbook or

@user.home/.mytourbook for Linux

which corresponds to these directories:





/home/<user name>/.mytourbook


/Users/<user name>/mytourbook


C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\mytourbook

Windows 7+

C:\Users\<user name>\mytourbook



WARNING - New Installations

The file config.ini can be modified to set another data folder location, however when a new version is installed, then this file will be overwritten with the default file.



config.ini Alternative

Instead of overwriting the value in config.ini, the data directory can also be set with a commandline pamameter, e.g.

"C:\Program Files\MyTourbook\mytourbook.exe" -data c:\mydata

further info is here






This page is updated for version 19.07