What is MyTourbook ?
It is free software to visualize and analyze tours which are recorded by a GPS device, bike- or exercise computer and ergometer.
This application can ...
and it ...
9. January 2025 |
Download |
Not available |
Installation |
Install from the update site, version 24.11.x is required |
Tour Database
- Display the number of records for each table 1435
Changes |
2.5D Map
- The animated models High Wheeler and Bicycle are not included any more in the default installation, this saves 63 MByte in each installation file. You can find more info in 1434
Bugfix |
Tour Type
- A tour type could be set into the wrong tour(s) 1444
Tour Book View
- Sorting by average speed/pace could cause a SQL error 1441
System |
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6. December 2024 |
Download |
Not available |
Installation |
Install from the update site, version 24.11.x is required |
Tour Context Menu
- Customize the tour contextual menu actions 1302
Tour Tags and Tour Types
- Remove recent tour tags and tour types 1366
4k Display
- Improved icons for the print, export and upload actions
Bugfix |
Tour Book
- Fixed: Copy Tags doesn't copy to the clipboard 1431
System |
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15. November 2024 |
Download |
Not available |
Installation |
Install from the update site, version 24.11.0 is required |
- Copy & paste tags 1301
- Display tag image in tag view 1422
- Edit tag image size in the tag preferences
- Display tag image filepath in the tag edit dialog
Tag Group
- Show all tags in the tag group action tooltip
Autocomplete Fields
- Improved autocomplete fields 1424
- Search for parts of the word
- Search for multiple words, separated with a space
- A search is now done for all characters and not only for numbers and alphabetical characters
Tour Blog
Photo Gallery
- Prevent that smaller images are enlarged 1426
Bugfix |
2D Map
- Fixed map sync issues 1352
See also milestone 24.11.1
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New + Improvements
Tour Book View
- Create tour markers by distance or time 1319
- Added column for tour description, the displayed text is truncated to 100 characters
2D Map
- Support fair use for map providers with a tile image request limiter 1417
- Installabel SwissTopo map providers
2.5D Map
- Show high quality photo images 1419
Hint: Too many photo images can slowing down this map
Tour Search
- Push tours from the fulltext search result into the Tour Book view 1379
Tour Info Tooltip
Tour Tag Groups
- Define a group with tags 1358
- Set all tags from a group into a tour
- from all tour views
- with easy import 1358
Tour Location
- Set start/end location names which has no geo positions 1413
Changes |
Tour Info Tooltip
- The weather description is not wrapped anymore, it is now truncated but the text can be selected and scrolled to see the whole text or the tour info tooltip width can be adjusted
Tour Type Preferences
- Renamed preference page
- Swapped preference page
Tag Preferences
Bugs |
4k Display
Fixed: It was difficult to hover movabel tooltips when the mouse was moved not fast enough
See also milestone 24.11
Translation |
- Dutch (Maarten)
- French (Frederic)
- German
- Italian (Doriano)
System |
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18. September 2024 |
Download |
Not available |
Installation |
Install from the update site, version 24.9.0 is required |
2D Map
- Show photo images in high quality
Tip: When the photo images are resized, then click Discard cached photo image to reload and resize the high quality photo images, this is not done automatically

- Support HiDPI map tiles, e.g. 4k tiles from OsmAnd
Changes |
2D Map
- Moved photo option Show photo tooltip into the map point (photo) context menu
Bugfix |
See milestone 24.9.1 |
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Beautified 4k Displays
The main focus in this version was that MyTourbook looks better on 4k displays 1389
- Rescaled 550+ icons
- 2D Map
- Support @2x map tile images
- Rescaled map legend
- Rescaled SRTM map color provider
2D Map
- Waypoints are now painted as map points
Improvements |
Tour Type Icon
Changes |
2D Map
- Show waypoints action in the context menu is moved into the map points slideout
Bugs |
See milestone 24.9
Translation |
Skipped, there are only a few new texts
System |
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2D Map
Improvements |
2D Map
- Show tour marker link in it's tooltip
Tour Chart
- Paint photo point with better contrast color for the dark theme
Bugs |
See milestone 24.8
Translation |
- Dutch (Maarten)
- French (Frederic)
- German
- Italian (Doriano)
System |
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2D Map
- Paint map points which are not overlapped 1369
- Tour markers
- Tour pauses
- Tour and common locations
2.5D & 3D Maps (Frederic)
- Export map view to an image file (jpeg, png or bmp) or to the clipboard
Tour Book View
- New actions in Adjust Tour Values 1372
- Compute break times for selected tours
- Set pause times from break times for selected tours
Improvements |
TCX Import
- Paused times can be set optional from the computed break times 1372
Tour Export (Frederic)
- Use of the notification popups for successful/unsuccessful exports
2D Map
- Moved options from the 2D Map Options slideout into the Map Points slideout
- Removed actions from the context menu, they are now available in the "Map Points" slideout
- Show Tour Markers
- Show Tour Pauses
Tour Concatenation (Frederic)
- Removed the ability to delete the source tours when using the NatTable layout as it was causing random tours to be deleted
Bugfix |
Tour Nutrition (Frederic)
- Fixed an issue where deleting a custom tour product for a given tour would delete all the custom tour products
Translation |
- Dutch (Maarten)
- French (Frederic)
- German
- Italian (Doriano)
- Spanish (Daniel)
System |
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Some Important Infos
New Download Site
MyTourbook program files can be downloaded now ONLY from the new download site https://github.com/mytourbook/mytourbook/releases, see also discussion 1322 for more details.
Cloud Services
All cloud services, e.g weather retrieval can have a delay up to 50 seconds !
General Tour Import Changes
Some of the tour import improvements or fixed are not automatically applied to already imported and saved tours.
To see these changes, the tours or parts of them, have to be reimported, see also below the new section Changes that require Tour Re-import
New + Improvements |
Tour Nutrition (Frederic)
- Add the ability to assign food/fluids to any given tour 1280
Tour Weather (Frederic)
Migration to the One Call 3.0 API per the recent announcement
While the weather retrieval for this vendor remains free and the historical weather data can be retrieved for the last 40+ years (from January 1st 1979), the total number of requests per day is limited to 1000 for all users.
Because of this, no more than 50 requests per day can be performed by each user.
Tour Start/End Location
- Automatically retrieve and set start/end locations in the easy import 878
- Retrieve, manage and show start/end locations in the tour editor
- Scramble tour location view
2D Map Location
- Lookup a map location from a location provider and use it like a map bookmark 1315
- Show location tooltip when hovered 1318
- Slideout to manage locations
Fit Import
- Import device sensors which do not contain a serial number 1287
Fit Export (Frederic)
- Improvements per the FitTestTool 1194
Tour Book
- Show powertrain L-R balance values separately 1271
- Show weather air quality 1296
Tour Blog (Frederic)
- Added the ability to display or hide the tour markers
- Displaying the main numbers of the tour (distance, elevation gain/loss...)
Viewer Columns
- Customize column alignment in all views which are using the column manager
- Set column alignment in the viewer header context menu 1300
Linux AArch64
- Support for Linux AArch64 platform 1174
Fit Import
- Device sensors are now imported which do not contain a serial number
→ Now there can be new sensors in the sensor view which were currently ignored !
- Code changes to support the changed Garmin Activity File Message (FIT) format (Frederic) 1279 file-message-change
2D Map Options
- Moved map location options into the new slideout for map locations
Tour Concatenation
- Elevation up/down values are now ignored between joined tours 1330
Changes that require Tour Re-import
TCX Import (Frederic)
Suunto XML/SML Import (Frederic)
- Fix for the calories import values
Bugfix |
EasyImport (Frederic)
- Added the ability to disable a cloud file system 1293
Fit Export (Frederic)
- Fix for the Suunto App replay issue 1194
Tour location profiles
The default location profiles were not translated in the last version. Now they are translated but the location names are saved in the configuration file
C:\Users\<YOUR NAME>\mytourbook\.metadata\.plugins\net.tourbook\tour-location.xml
and will not use the translated names. To use the translated names, this file needs to be deleted when MyTourbook is not running but this will also delete any customizations which you have already done !
Translation |
- Dutch (Maarten)
- French (Frederic)
- German
- Italian (Doriano)
System |
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Splashscreen (Barbara / Frederic) 1215
Start/End Location 878
Retrieve, manage and show start/end locations in
- Locations view and location tooltip
- Tour Book view location tooltip
- 2D Map
- Tour info tooltip
- Quick tour editor
It is recommended to use this workflow to speedup tour location retrieval and to avoid hundreds or more duplicated locations
- Retrieve and set some locations where you often start/stop your tour, e.g. you at home
- Combine duplicated locations with the One action in the Locations view context menu
- Resize (increase) location bounding box (action in the context menu) to include similar locations when they are looked up
- Retrieve all other locations
Tour Blog View (Frederic)
- Show tour tag images and information 1026
All Tour Markers View (Frederic)
- Added the ability to delete markers
Fulltext search
- Added action to rebuild a corrupted fulltext search index 1232
Improvements |
Fit Export (Frederic)
2D Map
- Sync map with tour locations
Tour Blog (Frederic)
- Improved the detection of http links in the tour description to make them clickable by using a third party library URL-Detector 1102
Tour Info
- Show air quality value with its assigned color 1223
Quick Tour Editor
- Resize height of the weather description field 1219
Tour Editor
- Make the use of the scroll wheel optional 1200
Tour Log View
- Customize when this view is opened automatically, exceptions will always show this view 1222 1210
- "Open tour log view when starting a tour import" in the import preferences dialog is removed, now it can be set in the tour log view 1222
Tour Search
- The options dialog can be opened only by clicking on its action button but not anymore when its hovered 1224
Tour Editor
- Tour save/restore actions are moved from the app toolbar into the tour editor toolbar 1201
Tour Concatenation (Frederic)
- The weather data is deleted from the concatenated tour
Bugfix |
All Tour Markers
- Update view when tours are deleted
Air Quality (Frederic)
- The air quality texts were saved using the translated texts instead of a unique id 1193
Slideout Calendar Profiles (Frederic)
- Fixed a bug when creating new profiles (Linux only) 1241
POI View (Frederic)
- Fixed a bug when the search results are empty and cause the POI view to wait infinitely 1252
Translation |
- Dutch (Maarten)
- French (Frederic)
- German
- Italian (Doriano)
System |
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2020 2021 2022 2023
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2007 2008 2009
License and Liability
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