Setup to Receive Tours

Tour data can be received from these devices on all platforms:


  os linux os apple os windows
CM4xxM *) data transfer cm436m mac data transfer cm436m windows
Garmin data transfer garmin linux *) data transfer garmin windows

data transfer hac4 linux

data transfer hac4 mac

data transfer hac4 windows


data transfer hac4pro linux

data transfer hac4pro mac

data transfer hac4pro windows

HAC5 data transfer hac5 linux data transfer hac5 mac data transfer hac5 windows


*) When you have the missing screenshots for the data transfer, send them to wolfgang-ch at and I'll publish it here

When the installation is completed the data transfer should work, see here how to transfer data.


RxTx Driver

The serial port driver RxTx is used for the data transfer. MyTourbook contains this driver for all platforms therefore it must not be installed.


Hardware Driver

However a hardware driver is required to transform the USB interface into a virtual serial port. For the USB interface a hardware is used from FTDI Chip which provides a hardware driver
for all platforms.



os linux


The hardware driver is included in the Linux kernel since version 2.4.20

I developed and tested the data transfer with Windows XP. When I tested the data transfer on Ubuntu 6.10 it worked immediately without any additional installation or configuration.

Such a case happens very rarely in the IT but it worked :-)


Garmin GPS Devices

Garmin GPS devices with USB support are generally well-supported on GNU/Linux systems. However, there are two common causes of problems with USB Garmins on GNU/Linux:

  • The lack of permission to access the USB port.

  • The presence or lack of the garmin_gps kernel module.

This page explains how to check and solve these two possible issues in a general situation.
In Ubuntu 12.10 you can proceed as follow:

1. Accessing the USB port

Create the file (you need root permissions) /etc/udev/rules.d/51-garmin.rules containing the single line

ATTRS{idVendor}=="091e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", MODE="664", GROUP="plugdev"


2. Communicating with the device

Edit the file (you need root permissions) /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

Change the row

blacklist garmin_gps


# blacklist garmin_gps

Restart your system and, if you're lucky, forget this instructions.


os apple


I) Install hardware driver

The hardware driver can be downloaded from the manufacturer web site, use the correct Mac OSX version, an installation guide is also available.


II) Configure RxTx driver

Since version 1.2.0 of MyTourbook it is not necessary to configure the RxTx driver, for older versions, here are the configuration instruction:

Using the Mac OSX installation program (since version 0.8.8)

the installation program of Mac OSX runs a script which configures the RxTx driver automatically

Without Mac OSX installation programm, it is required to run the following script which makes some settings in the system.


curruser=`sudo id -p | grep 'login' | sed 's/login.//'`

if [ ! -d /var/lock ]
    sudo mkdir /var/lock

sudo chgrp uucp /var/lock
sudo chmod 775 /var/lock

if [ ! `sudo niutil -readprop / /groups/uucp users | grep $curruser > /dev/null` ]
    sudo niutil -mergeprop / /groups/uucp users $curruser


os windows


Is the program HACtronic installed and it works successfully then the data transfer with MyTourbook should also work, because during the installation of HACtronic the hardware driver from FTDI is also installed, otherwise this hardware driver must be installed.