Translation: Step 2 - Install Messages Editor
The messages editor provides several features which makes the translation of the text files much easier than using the built-in editor.
A custom version of the original babel resource editor will be installed which has these modifications:
- Bugfix for a NPE because it was always thrown
- Much better performance for larger files (it can take 10s of seconds in the original verison to modify one text string)
- Wided the width of the editor splitter to make the keys more visible
- Open install dialog from the menu with Help/Install New Software...
Press Add... button
- Set Name to Babel Resource Editor
- Set Location to
Press OK button
- Uncheck Contact all update sites during install to find required software because this can be very slow
- Uncheck Group items by category to see the babel plugin
- Check org.eclipse.babel plugins
Press Next button
Press Next button
- Accecpt license agreements
Press Finish button
Wait until the plugin is downloaded
Check Authority and press Trust Selected to continue the installation
Check Unsigned and press Trust Selected to continue the installation
Press Restart Now button to restart Eclipse
After restarting Eclipse, the Messages Editor should be available in the preference dialog.
There are a few settings which needs to be adjusted:
- Open preference dialog from the menu with Window/Preferences
- Select Messages Editor
- Set Key group separator to _ (underscore)
- Set Displayed locales see below
Set other fields which are marked with a red box
Displayed Locales
The locales define which languages are displayed in the Messages Editor.
Available locales which MyTourbook currently supports:
- cs - Czech
- de - German
- en - English
- es - Spanish
- fr - French
- it - Italian
- nl - Dutch
The english locale contains all available text and should be set into this field. The language which should be translated should be added as second locale,
e.g.: en, de or en, fr or en, nl
- Select Formatting
Set all fields which are marked with a red box
- Reports do not have any modifications but you can define which errors or warnings should be displayed for missing or duplicated text
Press OK
This page is updated for version 23.8