History 2023

13. January 2024

There is a bug in version 23.5, 23.8 and 23.10 which can cause, that the tour "Clouds" weather field content in a tour can be lost.

This can happen when all of these points apply:

  • MyTourbook was updated to 23.5, 23.8 and 23.10 but only, when some updates were skipped, consecutive updates are OK
  • The tour "Clouds" weather field contained the value "scattered showers"
  • The tour was edited and saved with the (quick) tour editor


More info about this issue is here 1251

→ To harm not more users, the downloads
23.5, 23.8 and 23.10 are now removed


MyTourbook 24.1 will be available in about 2 weeks and will fix this issue. However when the tour "Clouds" weather field contained "scattered showers" and it was edited, this cannot be reverted automatically.

A complex piece of software can sometimes not be 100% OK, sorry about this issue. It was more an accident, that I saw this 7 months old bug, 2 days ago.



DOWNLOAD 22. October 2023
This version is not available on the update site

Reference Tours

  • Implemented feature request #1 from 2007 651
  • Show tour type for the reference tour
  • Show geo flag for the compared tour


Tour Book

  • Use custom colors for tour and total values
  • New action: Go to last tour 1173
  • New action: One click to expand only one item and collapse any others
  • New action: One click to expand/collapse an item when selected with mouse


Calendar (Frederic)

  • Show Training Stress Score (TSS) in the weekly summary



  • Show elevation loss values 1034


Tagged Tours

  • Show number of items in the collapsed tags and tag categories 1180


Tour Filter (Frederic)

  • Added a property to filter tours based on their measured air quality


Tour Info Tooltip

  • Show flat/gain/loss values 1126
  • Added the average elevation (Frederic)


Tour Editor

  • Append or replace the weather description 1069


Tour Blog

  • Detect http links in the tour description to make them clickable 1102


Tour Segmenter

  • New segmenter "By Elevation - Flat, Gain & Loss" 1126


Tour Print (Frederic)

  • Added recorded and paused time values
  • Rounded values (elevation gain, distance...)


Tour Data

  • Scroll field content with mouse wheel, page up/down or arrow up/down keys 1189


Autocomplete Fields 1199

  • Increased default height for the popup proposal dialog
  • Keep selected height when reopened
  • Locations
    • Tour editor
    • Quick edit dialog
    • Tour marker dialog
    • TCX export dialog


Color Selector

  • Save and restore custom colors (16 for Windows) that every time when the color selector is opened, that the previous custom colors are available again 1169



  • Support macOS ARM platform 1174



Reference Tours

  • Reference tours are now filtered by the selected person and tour type in the app toolbar



  • The year in the week start date are now displayed with 4 digits instead of 2 when the statistic values are copied into the clipboard

Tour Segmenter

  • The tour segmenter color for total values is used for the foreground color and not for the background color




  • Re-import a renamed tcx file does not change the importfilename in my tourbook anymore 1171


Calendar View (Frederic)

  • Fix for a regression that caused the "Link with other views" button to be not persisted. The regression appeared in v18.9.0


Tour Blog View & Tour Analyzer View (Frederic)

  • Refreshing each view when the measurement system is changed


Tour Analyzer View (Frederic)

  • Some values are not properly computed when the measurement system is changed (averages: elevation, gradient)


Tour Editor (Frederic)

  • Fix for Linux async event (when using the tour editor, the tour chart and the segmenter view and switching from imperial to metric or vice-versa)


  • Dutch (Maarten)
  • French (Frederic)
  • German
  • Italian (Doriano)


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DOWNLOAD 21. August 2023
This version is not available on the update site

Java 17

  • Java 17 is the new required Java platform for MyTourbook.
    For Windows users, install MyTourbook with the embedded Java and you don't have to care about it



Tour Import (Frederic)

  • Setting the cadence type only if the tour contains cadence data


Tour Book Flat View

  • New sortable columns: Average speed and pace 1117


Tour Chart

  • New speed/pace graph which shows the average speed for distance intervals 829
  • Slider positions are set to a selected reference tour or geo compared tour
  • Set x-axis default unit (time or distance) by pressing also the <Ctrl> key


2D Map

  • The action "Show entire tour in the map" will show only the reference part of a tour when a reference tour is displayed


Tour Pauses View (Frederic)

  • Added the ability to delete tour pauses 1110


Sensor View

  • Delete sensor when it is contained in 0 tours 1144
  • Added sensor types: Power Meter, Wind and Radar  1144


Reference Tour View

  • Autoexpand/collapse when selected with the mouse
  • Expand one category item and collapse others
  • New coloumn: Flag if a tour contains geo data


Tour Comparison Timeline

  • Show geo compared tours instantly when they are modified
  • Compared tours can be filtered in the Geo Compare View


Geo Compare View

  • Display tour filter options in the main view
  • Save filter settings in the reference tour
  • New filters, filter compared tours by:
    • Elevation gain/loss difference
    • Sequence number
  • New columns:
    • Elevation gain + loss difference
    • Elevation gain/loss total
    • Elevation gain/loss difference


Elevation Compare View

  • New columns: Elevation gain/loss


Compared Tour Chart View

  • Show the reference tour graph which can overlap the compared tour graphs to see the differences more easily


Tour Compare

  • Pace values are now available everywhere like the speed values


Tour Concatenation (Frederic)

  • Concatenating TSS (Training Stress Score) values


Tour Info Tooltip

  • Keep tooltip width for different sizes 1164



  • Added gender diverse



  • Show theme selector in the app toolbar 1129



  • Show a restart action in the app toolbar 1130




  • Updated some icons


Renamed view Year Statistic


Linux and OSX installation files

  • These files are now .tar.gz compressed and not .zip compressed. This is now the default for created product files with Eclipse (tycho)



Tour Book View (Frederic)

  • Hiding the temperature value when no value is detected instead of displaying 0 or 32


Marker Editor

  • Fixed height of the marker viewer. This issue exists since ever and was annoying since ever. Until now the marker viewer height decreased every time when this dialog was reopened.


Tour Segmenter (Frederic)

  • Fixed an issue where the segment creation was erroneous when using the "Minimum Elevation Difference" after changing the measurement system.


  • Dutch (Maarten)
  • French (Frederic)
  • German
  • Italian (Doriano)


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  23. June 2023
Download Not available
Installation Install from the update site, version 23.5.0 is required

Some Views

  • Fixed bug where the newly centered tour type and weather icons in a view caused an exception 1133
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DOWNLOAD 30. May 2023
This version is not available on the update site

Easy Import

  • Simple UI to start an easy import launcher 1065


Tour Export (Frederic)

  • Added the ability to export tours in FIT format


Suunto App Integration (Frederic)

  • Added the ability to upload tours as workouts


Tour Pauses (Frederic)

  • Added the ability to change pause types individually (Tour Pauses view) and in bulk (Tour Book view)


Tour Weather (Frederic)

  • Added the ability to set or retrieve the air quality experienced during the tour. At the moment, only OpenWeatherMap supports the air quality retrieval



Tour Reimport (Frederic)

  • Added the ability to reimport weather information (clouds and description)


Tour Book View

  • Filter tours which are collected or not collected 1050
  • Delete tours with the keyboard <Ctrl><Shift><Delete>


Tour Chart

  • Show "Recorded Time" in the value point tooltip 502


2D Map (Meinhard)

  • Make power a selectable option for coloring the tour graph 1071


Tour Pauses View (Frederic)

  • Added a Pause Type column


Tour Info Tooltip

  • Adjust width of the tour info tooltip 1077
  • Added, when available, the time and percentage of time spent in each HR zone (Frederic)


Bar Chart Selection

  • Set direction for the mouse wheel, e.g. mouse wheel up is moving the bar selection to the left (default until now) or mouse wheel up is moving the bar selection to the right 1096


Tour Geo Filter

  • Toggle name in the filter history viewer between read and edit mode


Reference Tours

  • Show altimeter (VAM) and max pulse values 1086


Reference Tour Year Statistic

  • Show altimeter (VAM) and max pulse values
  •  New Action: Show all available compared tours without selecting last year and number of years
  • Fixed min/max values when selecting different years, ...

Compared Tour Chart

  • New Action: Save compared tour and then select the next compared tour


Weather (Frederic)

  • Adjusted the mapping of vendor's icons to MyTourbook's cloud icons


Categorized View Colors

  • Colors can be customized for bright and dark theme



Strava Integration (Frederic)

  • Changed the tour upload to use the FIT format instead of the TCX format


Changed Wording

  • The words "pulse" or "heartbeat" are replaced with "heart rate" 1089


Categorized Views Colors

  • These colors are reset to the new default values, e.g. tag category color in the tagging view



Tour Import

  • "distanceSerie" is null 1044


Tour Info Tooltip (Frederic)

  • Fixed a bug where the time formats were not correctly applied


Tour Cache

  • Fixed "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Queue full" when cache size is 1


  • Dutch (Maarten)
  • French (Frederic)
  • German
  • Italian (Doriano)


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  27. March 2023
Download Not available
Installation Install from the update site, version 23.3.0 is required


Easy Import

  • Set elevation up/down totals from SRTM data 824


Tour Editor

  • Set elevation up/down totals from SRTM data when tour is saved 824


Tour Chart

  • Show Moving time in the value point tooltip 502



Tour Editor     

  • Changed wording for the save dialog actions:
    Save Tour
    Discard Modifications


Update Site



Tour Book

  • Duplicating a tour with tags is causing an exception 1041



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  24. March 2023
Download Not available
Installation Install from the update site, version 23.3.0 is required


Tour Editor


  • Tag data and image are optional and can be customized 1015   


Tag Image

  • Increased tag image size for 4k display
  • On Linux the tag images looked pixilated, now they are higher interpolated 1020


Tour Blog

  • Show weather common data on a separate line 70740



Tour Editor

  • Fixed SQLException 1022
  • Fixed the never ending "Our of sync error" in one more case 1035


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DOWNLOAD 7. March 2023
This version is not available on the update site





2.5D Map




  • The installation file of MyTourbook is about 50 MByte larger because of the 3 default models


Tour Tags (Frederic)

  • Added the ability to add an image to a tag and display its accumulated values in the Tour Data Editor View 805




TCX Import (Frederic)

  • Import of calories and average power values


Tour Filter

  • Filter tours by "Most Recent", e.g. show tours for the last 15 months 976


Tour Blog (Frederic)

  • Display of the weather summary


Tour Editor

  • Keep distance values when time slices are deleted 986


Concatenate Tours (Frederic)

  • Added the ability to delete the source tours


4k Display

  • Increased cursor size in Tour Chart and 2D Map, when displayed on 4k displays



Tour Search

  • After some testing and no app crashes, the embedded browser is now also used in Linux. The old behaviour can be enabled by setting the command line parameter -DforceBrowserForTourSeachInLinux when starting MyTourbook 1000


Map Player → Model Player

  • The Map Player view was renamed to Model Player view. Ignore the following error, close this view and open the Model Player view


2 Year Digits → 4 Year Digits

  • For some locales e.g. german, the short formatting for a year has 2 digits, this is now changed to 4 year digits



Duplicate Tour

  • The action Duplicate Tour in the "Tour Book" context menu is now enabled for all tours, not only for manual tours as it was before.

    All data are now duplicated, e.g. data series, markers or photos except the reference tours. A copy label is appended to the tour title.

    Use this feature with care, mainly the duplicated tours, as it is not yet fully tested.

    One issue could be that when a duplicated tour is selected then it's data are not displayed because the original tour was selected before. This issue happened in the flat "Tour Book" view and is fixed.

    There are so many possibilities in MyTourbook where issues could occure that not all of them are tested now. 937



Concatenate Tours (Frederic)

  • Fixed a bug where the markers and pause times in the concatenated tour had erroneous time values


People Preference Page (Frederic)

  • Fixed an issue where the BMI (Body Mass Index) would be erroneous whenever the measurement system is not in metric


  • Dutch (Maarten)
  • French (Frederic)
  • German
  • Italian (Doriano)


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