History 2009


Version 9.08

(17. August 2009)

This version is mainly a bugfix release and can be installed only from the update site
and requires version 9.07

After doing the software update, sometimes the first restart fails and you have to kill the application, the second restart is successful.

  • dutch translation provided by Alfred Barten
  • csv export for selected time slices in the tour editor
  • customize speed calculation
  • show pace values in mm:ss format in chart and views
  • display multiple tours in map for multiple months/years
  • calculation for imperial pace (min/mile) was not correct in the toursegmenter
  • average/max values have not been computed when tours are merged
  • not importing correct timezone information from GPX #2830925
  • speed in tunnels for gps devices was 0, now the average value is computed but it can be wrong



Version 9.07

(7. July 2009)

This version solves a
critical bug because all previous versions can corrupt the saved tours.
MyTourbook is using the Derby database to store the tours and version, which was used until now can corrupt the database, you can read more details here .

You can check your data with the consistency check tool in version 9.07, this tool can be started in the menu File/Database Consistency Check.

The good thing is that a data corruption never happened within my installation and development environment and nobody complained until now. The reason could be that the application is not used simultaneously by multiple users because the corruption occures when multiple threads are accessing the database.
Please contact the author when a data corruption occured in your installation.
Other New Features  
  • delete offline map files for each map provider
Platform Update
  • Eclipse 3.5
  • Derby Database
  • Hibernate 3.3.2 with Entity Manager 3.4.0
This version can be installed ONLY from the download site



Version 9.05 Patch

(25. May 2009)
  • gpx export (didn't work)
  • accuracy of SRTM elevation
New Features
  • show scale in map
  • simple tcx export (without markers/labs)
This version can be installed only from the update site and requires version 9.05
After the software update, sometimes the first restart fails and you have to kill the application, the second restart is successful.


SRTM map with custom colors (see the same location within the OSM map )




!!! This is very important for LINUX users !!!


It was requested several times, to change the data directory to a location, which is common in Linux. With version 9.05, the location is moved but only for the Linux platform.

BEFORE you start version 9.05, you MUST move the existing data directory to the new location, otherwise the application will not find any existing data and tours.


Old location

/home/<user name>/mytourbook
New location /home/<user name>/.mytourbook


The location, where the application stores the data, can be configured, see this info but a new installation will overwrite a modified configuration file.



Version 9.05

(9. May 2009)
New SRTM Features

Use of SRTM data in these tools:


Many thanks to Alfred Barten who contributed the ftp data download, the customizable map and to get the elevation by coordinate.

New Other Features
  • French translation contributed by Sébastien Jachym
  • import files in NMEA format
  • export tours in GPX format including markers, an exported file can be uploaded to OSM server and the markers are displayed
  • display map tile info for loading/painting tiles
  • display map info for zoom level and mouse lat/long position
  • gpx import: added cadence
  • not so many this time

Platform Update
  • Eclipse 3.4.2
This version can be installed only from the download site



Version 9.01 Hotfix

(10. January 2009)
  • tour compare wizard fails when the tour editor is open
  • tour editor undo action does not work correctly
  • wrong pace display [bug 2492837]
  • fixed bug for time slices which has the same time: the markers were removed also with the duplicated time slice
This version can be installed only from the update site , it requires version 9.01
After the software update, sometimes the first restart fails and you have to kill the application, the second restart is successful.



Version 9.01

(7. January 2009)


New Features merge tours
  • gpx file format can import temperature and heartbeat values
    (provided by Wolfgang Maier)
  • improved display of distance/time/pace [2405771]
  • new column in tourbook- and tagging view: display paused time relative to recording time
  • navigate tour chart with keyboard: cursor left/right, home, end, page up/down
  • added save buttons in the toolbar of the import view
  • !!! bug in version 8.11: tour markers are not imported always, it depends on computer performance (slow was better :-) [2406148]
  • incorrect import of TCX file [2406148]
  • wrong rounding in statistics view [2407044]
  • error in day charts [2482748]
  • some others...
This version can be installed only from the download site