History 2016


16.11 DOWNLOAD 21. November 2016
This version is not available on the update site

This version is almost the same as 16.10.Experimental which has 0 complaints until now after some weeks of using it.

What has changed?

  • Czech and Italian translation
  • Prevent 2D Map redraw when nothing has changed
  • Updated 3D Map to newest version


16.10 DOWNLOAD 8. October 2016
This version is not available on the update site

This Version is currently EXPERIMENTAL

There has been many (smaller+larger) modification everywhere in the application to implement the new time zone feature.

Testing was done to import tours with different file formats which needed some adjustments but there can still be unsolved problems which were not yet detected by these tests.

Already saved tours from previous versions should not be a problem (because the tour start time is never modified) but newly imported tours should be observed if the tour start time is displayed correctly.

I'm not shure if all time zone descriptions on this site and the app are understandable or are more confusing.



Time Zone

With this version, a tour start time is now always associated with a specific time zone, previously only the system time zone was used to display the tour time.

This caused the problem that a local time in Boston at 8 a.m. was displayed at 14:00 o'clock in middle Europe and not at 8:00.

A tour start time is now displayed always with the local time, no math is needed any more to get it correctly.

More info about the usage of time zones is described in the preferences.



Time Zone Tools

  • Set/remove a time zone in a tour with the tour editor




These tools will NEVER change the tour start time, only the tour time zone



General preference page



Java 8

Replaced the usage of almost all old date/time classes with the new Java 8 date/time API.
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16.8 DOWNLOAD 2. August 2016
This version is not available on the update site

statistics Statistics

  • Select chart grid options in the options slideout and set the options for each chart (statistic) individually
  • Day summary statistics
    • New graphs for average speed/pace (the values are stacked for the same day, this can maybe improved)
    • Select visible graphs in the options slideout
  • Select tour frequency options in the options slideout
    (these options are removed now from the preference dialog)
  • Order bar sequence for month/year statistics
  • Sort statistics sequence by data/time (in the preference dialog)


When MyTourbook is opened with version 16.8 then the "old" statistic view is not displayed any more, this is because of some internal changes but all features are still available + new features.

To open the "new" statistic view, select Directory / statisticsStatistics in the app menu.


heart-rate-variability Heart Rate Variability

This is a new view, it requires heart rate time data (R-R time in ms)



Tour Chart

Easier acces to existing tools



  • Keep map position when a tour is saved, e.g. setting the tour marker position in the tour chart (which also saves the tour)



  • A few icons changed slightly



These problems are fixed


All Views

  • All views are not updated when a tour is deleted,
    this was introduced when the tour log view is logging tour deletions



  • Tour frequency statistic is wrong when stacked bars are displayed
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16.5 DOWNLOAD 30. May 2016
This version is not available on the update site

Running Cadence

The runners cadence is twice the cycling cadence, with this new feature, runners must not multiply anymore their cadence values.

  • All cadence values will be multiplied with the new cadence factor, which is
    1.0 ... Revolutions per minute (rpm)
    2.0 ... Steps per minute (spm)
  • The cadence factor is set to 2 when a stride sensor in a .fit import file is detected
  • Stride sensor state is displayed in the tour editor info tab


Select Value Display Format

Sometimes less digits are better than more, the date and number display format can be selected.


Adjust Tour Start Temperature Values

During the winter season, the sportcomputer device needs some time to adjust to the environment temperature when it's moved outdoors, this tool can correct wrong temperature values.


Temperature before the adjustment


Temperature after the adjustment



Table/Tree Columns

  • Select date/number formats, e.g. hh, hh:mm or hh:mm:ss
  • Hide hovered column
  • All hidden columns are categorized by a submenu
  • The header context menu is positioned to the right border of the column (to better see the content of the column)


Tour Tooltip


Tour Book View

  • A new column displays the cadence factor
  • New context menu actions for the selected tours



Tour Editor

  • New cadence field to selecte rpm or spm


Easy Import



Tour Chart

  • Replaced chart options drop-down menu with a slideout
  • Set grid line options in the chart options slideout


Tour Search

  • Show/hide date/time/description
  • Select multiple tours in the search result
    (selecting multiple markers are not yet supported)



GPX Import

  • Import temperature tags <gpxdata:temp> from .gpx file
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16.4 Bugfix
  11. April 2016
Download Not available
Installation Install (7 MByte) from the update site, version 16.4 is required.
Bugfix These problems are fixed

Tour Chart

  • An error occures (visible in the console) when the altimeter graph AND the tour segmenter layer is displayed
  • Altimeter values are 0 in the tour segmenter tooltip (depending on the segmenter)
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16.4 DOWNLOAD 4. April 2016
This version is not available on the update site


Tour Segmenter

  • New segmenter: By Altitude (with DP) and Marker
  • Last row contains the total values for all segments
  • Segmenter colors can now be set in the segmenter slideout, this has been moved from the preferences dialog to this location for easier access
  • Fixed m/h values, in any previous versions these values were wrong for smaller segments, larger segments were almost correct



Table/Tree Columns

  • Manage columns with profiles
  • Columns are categorized (when a view has ~ > 10 columns)
    PREVIOUS COLUM ORDER HAS BEEN RESET - this was necessary to have internally consistent data



  • Show power/powertrain/training values in the tourbook view, imported from .fit files
  • Show power value in tooltips
  • Reimport power values


Tour/Quick Editor

  • Edit body weight, FTP



  • .fit import is much faster (with FIT SDK 16.60)


Cleanup Internal Data

The internal Eclipse data are located now (since this version) in the app installation folder, the old data are not used any more at the old location. They are not removed automatically, this has to be done manually.

In this location

Linux <User>/.mytourbook
Windows <User>\mytourbook

delete the folders org.eclipse.* but DO NOT DELETE OTHER FOLDERS, they contain the tour data.




P2 is used as the new software update tool



This is a maven driven tool to build the application

It took me some weeks to use/implement Tycho and P2 so that the app was running and installed as before. I fixed many problems and hope that all is fixed, after some weeks of testing and using, it looks very good.

The benefit is now, that the creation of the app is faster/easier and the app is prepared for E4, but moving to E4 is (sometime) another big task.

These are the new tycho files to build the product

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16.1 DOWNLOAD 18. January 2016
This version is not available on the update site


Tour Import


Tour Log


This version is almost the same as 15.12 Experimental III, the only difference is, that the tour import is still usable when the embedded browser in the import dashboard crashes, in this case it shows the old import UI (after a restart :-)

New Dashboard + New Tour Log


Tour Type Color

  • Fixed historic bug: Modified colors of a tour type were not display until the pref dialog was reopened



Java 8

Java 8 is required to run this application

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