map-search-tour-by-location Search Tour by Location

This tool can find all tours in the 2D map which have passed through a selected area, Search Tour by Location map-search-tour-by-location is available in the 2D map context menu.


When the action is selected in the context menu, it has 3 different modes:

1. Mouse is hovering the map

For every hovered geo rectangle of 0.01°, the number of tours are searched and displayed

2. Left Mouse Button is pressed + hovering the map

For all hovered (selected) geo rectangles, the number of tours are searched and displayed

3. Left Mouse Button is released

The geo selection is stopped and the tour-geo-filter Tour Geo Filter slideout shows the selected area


All of these 3 modes can be stopped with the <Esc> Key


This Tool can be veeeeeeery sloooooooooow

When the left mouse button is pressed/released (mode 2. + 3.) then all contained tours are searched, this can make the app unusable !!!

You should limit the number of selected rectangles to just a few, it all depends on the number of found tours.


tour-geo-filter Tour Geo Filter







This page is updated for version 19.4