tagging view Tagged Tours

This view displays only tours which are tagged, it can be opened from the app menu Directory / Tagged Tours, a tour filter can hide tagged tours.

All tagging features are summarized in the tagging overview.




Tagging Tours

Tours can be tagged with the context menu in many different views where tours can be selected or it can be tagged in the  tour-tags Tour Tags view.


Start Tagging

Before tours can be tagged, the tags must be defined in the preference dialog.



Context Menu Actions

Some common actions for this view are described here, the following action are specific for this view.


Edit Tag...



Set Tag Structure

Sets the structure for the selected tags when they are expanded


  • Sort By Date

Shows the tours in a list sorted by date


  • Categorize by Year

Shows the tours categorized by year


  • Categorize by Year/Month

Shows the tours categorized by year and month


Set Structure for All Tags

Sets the structure for ALL tags when they are expanded


  • Sort By Date

Shows the tours in a list sorted by date


  • Categorize by Year

Shows the tours categorized by year


  • Categorize by Year/Month

Shows the tours categorized by year and month


Rename Tag...

Renames the selected tag


Rename Category...

Renames the selected category


Modify Tagging Structure...



Delete Tags...

Permanently delete tags


Delete Tag Category...

Permanently delete tag category


View Actions


Flat Layout

Displays tags without categories


Hierarchical Layout

Displays tags and categories with their hierarchy






This page is updated for version 19.10