Export Tour

This tool can export tours in GPX or TCX format. The action Export Tour  is available in the context menu at the following locations.

tour book view

Tour Book

tour import view

Tour Import


Tagged Tours

tour chart

Tour Chart

tour editor

Tour Editor


Context Menu

The context menu in Tagged Tours view shows the number of tours which will be exported



Export Dialog

There are different export options, depending how a tour or tours are selected.





What can be exported.

Description and Title


Markers and WayPoints

Markers of the tour will be exported as waypoints.

Tour fields

The following fields will be exported with the custom tag <mt:...>

• All data which are available in the tour editor.
• Tour marker data.
• Other fields.

Part of the tour

Only a part of the tour is exported.

This option is available when the export tool is started in the these views

tour editor Tour Editor

Exports the selected time slices.

tour chart Tour Chart

Exports the part beween the left and right slider.

The precision of this method has some tolerance because the position of a slider can have multiple trackpoints when the tour chart is small.

Export the tour in the tour editor Tour Editor  to have a precise export.



How can it be exported.

Camouflage Speed

The average speed which is entered in the field, will be forced for the whole export.

When not checked, speed and time will be preserved.

Distance values are

These tags <gpxdata:distance> contain absolute or relative distance values.

Merge all tours into one file

All tours will be merged into one file, they are separated as tracks.

This option is available when multiple tours are selected in the tour import viewTour Import  or tour book viewTour Book  view.


Special Data

These are very special data, when searching the keywords in the internet you can find the reason when you need it.

"creator" " with barometer"

The value " with barometer" is appended to the "creator" field.


Export File


Name of the export file, the name is set by default to the tour date and time.


Path of the export file.

Overwrite existing file(s)

Existing files will be overwritten without any warning.


Full path of the export file.






This page is updated for version 18.11