3D Map - Tour Tracks



Show Tour Tracks
Select a Tour Track
Tour Track Configuration
Chart Slider


Show Tour Tracks

Tour tracks are displayed in the 3D map when this Show Tour in Map button is pressed

Show/hid tour tracks

Show multiple tours

To show multiple tours in the 3D map, they has to be selected in the Tour Book view which is described here.

map with multiple tours
~500 Tour Tracks


The 3D map performance depends on:

  • Number of tour tracks
  • Number of track points
  • Eye Position
  • Track properties
  • 3D graphic device


Select a Tour Track

A tour track can be selected in the 3D map with the left mouse button. When a tour is selected it is displayed with another color which can be customized here.

A tour track can be deselected with the left mouse button on a selected tour track.

Not selected tour
Tour track is not selected

Tour is hovered
Tour track is hovered

Tour is selected
Tour track is selected

Tour is selected and hovered
Tour track is selected and hovered


A selected tour track is displayed in other views which can display a selected tour, e.g. Tour Editor, Tour Chart, 2D Tour Map, ...

Select a tour


Tour Track Configuration

The tour track configuration dialog defines, how a tour track is painted in the 3D map.

Tour Track Properties
Tour track configuration

Open Tour Track Configuration

This dialog is opened automatically when the tour track button Show Tour in Map  is pressed in the 3D map view and the button is hovered with the mouse.

Open Tour Track Properties Dialog

Tooltip Help

This documentation do not contain any details of the different properties. Help is provided as tooltip when the label of a property is hovered with the mouse.

This is an example for the Line width:

Tour Track Properties Tooltip


It can happen that the tooltip is hidden by the properties dialog. To solve this problem, press the tour track button Show Tour in Map 2 times (to hide and to display tour tracks and the tour track properties dialog).


Randomized Altitude Offset

With this feature the same tour is stacked randomly.

Randomized altitude offset


Tour Chart Slider Marker

Show/hide markers in the map for the vertical sliders in the Tour Chart Tour chart

The left and right chart slider can be identified by the callout direction to the left or right.

 Show chart slider


Tour chart slider in the map


Move Tour Chart Slider

When a vertical tour chart slider is moved in the tour chart, it's marker in the map is also moved.


When the tour chart slider marker is not moved in the map, it is possible, that the tour chart view is not the active view.

How to activate the Tour Chart Tour chart view is described in the 3D tips.


 3D map is active
3D map is active.

 Tour chart is active.
Tour chart view is active.






This page is updated for version 21.6