Weather Data
Weather data for a tour can be retrieved from an online service. Currently the weather service from WorldWeatherOnline is supported.
To retrieve the weather data, an API Key has to be purchased
This is the first time in the history of MyTourbook, that you need to pay for a new feature. The problem is, it seams that there is no website where you can get historical weather data for free.
Without an API key, any weather fields can still be edited/saved as all other tour fields, they are just not filled automatically.
This API key can be tested 60 days for free (July 2019).
Setup API Key
The API key has to be entered in the preferences.
Retrieve Weather Data
Weather data can be retieved with
- Action Retrieve Weather Data... in the
Tour Book view context menu
- Easy Import dialog
Additional Info
- It is recommended to test the retrieved weather data with your own device data as there can be big differences depending which weather station was nearby
- The retrieved weather data can be logged in the console with this command line parameter -DlogWeatherData it also shows the location of the used weather station
- When you have recorded temperature data, the values for average/min/max temperature will be recomputed when a tour is saved
This page is updated for version 19.7