customize-profiles-columns Column Manager

The main purpose of the column manager is to keep the position, size and visibility of columns for tables and trees after a restart of MyTourbook or when a view is closed and reopened.

The column manager can be opened from




Column Profiles

The selected and reordered columns are saved in the current profile. A table/tree supports multiple column profiles which can be selected in the table/tree context menu, this makes it easier to manage the many columns in some views.


Category Column

When the action Show/hide category column is checked, then the category column is displayed in the column manager dialog and in the table/tree header context menu.




Table and Tree Column Context Menu

All columns in a table/tree can be set visible/hidden in the table/tree header context menu.

This feature is available when the columns are managed with the customize-profiles-columns Column Manager, which is implemented for many tables and trees.

This context menu can be opened when the mouse is hovering the table/tree header and the right mouse button is clicked.




Column Actions

These actions are performed only for the hovered column, it's state is saved in the current profile.





» Column: ... «

Column which is currently hovered

Hide Column

Hides the hovered column in the current column profile

Change Category Format

Changes the value format for category values 1)

Change Tour Format

Changes the value format for tour values 1)

Change Format

Changes the value format for items in a table 2)

Is displayed only in tree (categorized) views
2) Is displayed only in table views


Value formats for tooltips can be selected in the preferences.






This page is updated for version 16.5